As a coaching consultant one must understand the art of communicating. The purpose is simple as the Communicator or coach is to essentially break down the process into its essential component, and ultimately promote an attribute to the group or individual of success.
Consultants have the ability to break their methods into 2 different components. One component is learning, and then teaches scientific methods such as encoding. This involves the selection of specific signs or symbols to transmit a message, such as language and words to use, how to arrange the words, and what tone of voice and gestures to use. The second component is the communication process the message itself- what is actually said or written, and how the message is transmitted. IN order to bring new life into a group or individuals in need of this service the Coach has to have these basic skills. But because each person has unique personality traits, values, and lifestyle experiences, each will perceive and interpret messages differently.
Another factor is the basis of Trust. This can only come through proven success that the Consultant brings to the table. The roles in relationship between the Consultant and the client will affect the communication [process. Choice of words, sentence structure, and tone of voice vary considerably from role to role. The environment sometimes plays a major role in how the client or the Consultant presents these samples. However Attitudes can also play a major role. The attitudes convey beliefs, thoughts, and feeling about the events. If the Consultant is convincing with respect towards the client it conveys, that the person hopes and feeling are special and unique and they are heard. Acceptance emphasizes neither approval nor disapproval.
Ultimately the role of the coach is to inspire, and to teach positive management skills and behavior to the individual. There are many specialists in this are of Consultancy. From Life Coaches, to Executive Coaching, Events Coaching, Performance Coaching, or career coaches. Whatever the need the coach can use scientific methodology in order to effect a solution.
Most companies will secure a Group Consultant when they are ready to grow their sales teams. This may involve a 2-week seminar or a trip away from the office. Whatever means necessary will be used in order to enhance the bottom dollar of any company. In this area of discipline the Consultant are highly educated with several certificates in coaching seminars. They will use skills that involve behavioral modification methods in order to ensure the success of the company or candidate. This type of coaching has a high rate of success with its clients.
A degree below a bachelor’s will not suffice. The consulting coach must be extremely familiar with the educations process with experience in the job market. Again this is based on “Trust”. Therefore the more credibility and assurance the Consultant shows, the more confidence they exude. The top coaches in this arena can charge $100,000 per person or $10,000 to $25,000 for a two-day executive retreat.